Music Lessons Now or Later?
Monday, March 21, 2022 by Paige Allred | Uncategorized
Should I start music lessons now... or later?
There is significant research indicating that there is a “window of opportunity” (birth to age nine) where children can develop a high musical aptitude. During this time, the brain and mechanisms associated with processing and understanding music are in the prime stages of development, making it ofutmost importance to expose children in this age range to music lessons.
Don't miss out on the learning window
I've talked to many parents who are super excited to get their kiddo started in music learning, but just as many who say, "Yeah, I hope he learns to play saxophonesomeday
, but why should I be thinking about thatNOW?
He's too young to be worrying aboutthat.
"You definitely benefit from music learning RIGHT NOW and here is the reason why...
Encourage your children to love music
Want to encourage your children to love and appreciate music? Well, worry no more! We've got you covered.These tips will help you explore and encourage a love for music
with your kids, starting right from infancy.
Instrument lessons are not the same as musicianship classes
One word of caution:
Now that you've read about the importance of starting music lessons,
you may be excited to get into instrument lessons right away, but Instrument lessons are not the same as musicianship classes. Sitting on a piano bench for 30 minutes is torture for many 4-year-olds. Instead, find a program likeSound Beginningsor Let's Play Music
that is play-based, with lots of movement and fun. Nothing is more powerful than a first music experience that results in happy, uplifting memories couched in success!- Link for SB -
- Link for LPM -
- 2-4 year olds: These students and parents are getting more and more confident singing with a strong voice and matching the beats to music. We are learning ABCs, shapes and numbers through song.
- 4-6 year olds: These kiddos are confidently playing chords on the autoharp to accompany our singing class.
- 5-7 year olds: I love seeing my 2nd Year students play some of the same songs, but now on their keyboards. Their rhythm and ear training for chord transitions was trained long before their fingers got to work.
6-8 year olds: These little musicians are working hard too, learning some complicated piano repertoire with nice dynamics.
Come check out a FREE music class!
Email back and I'll give you my studio information so you can come to a class already in progress.
Miss Paige
Miss Paige Music, LLC